Monday, July 5, 2010

Drama Program Update

Drama program has had a twist in the plot this term, with the inclusion of a Self-Advocacy training course.

The course was facilitated by the Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU). Participants used their drama skills to explore role plays and improvisations around their rights, responsibilities and avenues for self-advocacy.

Participants completed the course on 18th June and received certificates of achievement, and celebrated their graduation with a suitably upbeat party.

Meanwhile, progress toward the annual drama performance continues with gusto. The drama group has been work-shopping their ideas and honing their characters each week. Without giving away the magic, we can tell you that this year’s production will feature the characters of Pink, Juliet, Robin Hood, Thomas Rogan, Duke Nukem, Aden Jeffries, Elvis and Belle from Beauty and the Beast in all manner of outrageous scenes, culminating in an exciting conclusion.

Friday’s Drama program is a social and creative end to the working week. We have enjoyed working from our new base at Ringwood Federation Estate, and look forward to taking our ideas to the stage (and the world!) later in the year.

Julia Sutherland (Instructor -Drama)

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